Nuclear Grade DZO Pellets

Compound ZnO
Form Pellets
64Zn <1.0 at %
Pellet Dimensions


10.0 ± 1.0 mm
10.0 ± 1.0 mm
Pellet Density >4.77 g/cm3
Chemical Purity >99.8 wt %

Note:  Actual specifications are subject to quotation.
DZO is available in both powder and pellet forms.

DZO-Pellet photo

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Element Symbol Impurity Limits (PPM)
Aluminum Al ≤50
Antimony Sb ≤10
Arsenic As  ≤10 
Barium Ba  ≤10 
Bismuth Bi  ≤10 
Boron ≤10 
Bromine Br  ≤10 
Cadmium Cd  ≤10 
Calcium Ca  ≤10 
Carbon (Total) ≤500 
Chlorine Cl  ≤20 
Chromium Cr  ≤10 
Cobalt Co  ≤10 
Copper  Cu  ≤10 
Fluorine  ≤20 
Hafnium  Hf  ≤10 
Indium  In  ≤10 
Iodine  I ≤10 
Iron Fe  ≤20 
Lead Pb  ≤10 
Manganese  Mn  ≤10 
Mercury  Hg  ≤1 
Nickel Ni  ≤10 
Nitrate  NO3 ≤3 
Nitrite  NO2  ≤1 
Phosphorus  ≤10 
Silicon  Si  ≤50 
Silver  Ag  ≤10 
Sulfates  SO4  ≤15 
Sulfur  ≤10 
Tin  Sn  ≤20 
Titanium  Ti  ≤10 
Vanadium  ≤10 
Rare Earths (Sum)    ≤20 
Remaining Impurities (Each)   ≤10 
Insolubles (HCl)   ≤100 

These are ISOFLEX’s typical DZO specifications. 
If you require different specifications, please contact us.

 Need a quote? Click here.

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